This true-color Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS)
image from May 18, 2002, shows Italy (boot-shaped country in the center) extending out into the Adriatic Sea (east) and the Tyrrhenian Sea (west). At the southwest tip of Italy is the island of Sicily....
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On October 7, 1593, the superintendent of the Republic of Venice founded a
revolutionary new kind of settlement: Palmanova (Italy). The city’s founding date commemorated the victory of European forces (supplied primarily by the Venetian republic) over Ottoman Turks in the Battle of Lepanto.
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A bora wind, blowing from the north down the Adriatic Sea, had cleared the
skies over northeast Italy when the Challenger crossed the coast on a descending pass....
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History permeates every corner of the magnificent city of Rome, Italy, famed as the Eternal City. Situated on seven hills along the Tiber River in central Italy - the site of settlements dating from 1500 BC - ancient Rome arose as a republic and a significant world force in the 6th century BC.
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Sardinia, Italy, is one the earliest populated lands of Europe. Some ancient artifacts date human populations there as old as 6000 B.C. Around 1500 B.C., another group of settlers arrived on the island (historians don't know where they came from) and spread quickly across the island.
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The Grand Canal curves in a great “S” through the heart of the red tile roofs of
Venice, Italy, in this Ikonos image, acquired on April 2, 2001.
The Canal is the main thorough-fare through the city, which is
built on 118 tiny islands linked by canals and bridges.
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Sicily’s Mount Etna (Italy) released a thick plume of volcanic ash on November
24, 2006. According to news reports, the volcanic activity forced an overnight closure of the Fontanarossa Airport, the main airport in eastern Sicily.
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The Strait of Messina Bridge Project, if completed, would stand as one of the
Landmark Bridges of the 21st century. It would be the
longest suspension bridge ever built. The Strait of
Messina divides the island of Sicily from Calabria in
southern Italy, and is 3 km wide.....
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Stromboli is a stratovolcano composed of alternating layers of hardened ash, lava, and volcanic rocks. Strong eruptions have been recorded at the volcano for more than 1,000 years. In 2002, a major eruption caused a small tsunami and damaged Stromboli Village on the north side of the island....
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