Photos - Vienna (Austria) 

Vienna is the capital of Austria and offers a mix of a thriving modern city with lots of cultural events and an outrageous number of historic buildings. Vienna is located at the eastern rim of the Alps where the Danube separates the Alps from the Carpathian Mountains.

If you are planning to visit Vienna you may be interested in having a quick look at several photos of Vienna and its surroundings. Click on the links below to view the pictures. We have taken any attempt to provide exact (GPS-based) coordinates of the positions where the photos have been taken.
Karlskirche - Jesuitenkirche - Votivkirche seen from Stephansdom - Riesenrad seen from Stephansdom - Naturhistorisches Museum - Statue of Maria Theresa - Rathaus seen from Heldenplatz - Hofburg and Heldenplatz - Parliament - Burgtheater - Rathaus - Park of Schönbrunn - Fiaker seen from St. Stephen's Cathedral - Greek Orthodox Church - Urania seen from Donaukanal - Rudolfsheimer Kirche - Interior of St. Stephen's Cathedral - Palmenhaus - Albertina and Augustiner Bastei - Parish Church Ober-St.Veit - Emperor Palace of Schönbrunn - Grounds of Schönbrunn - Gloriette - Sezession - Sezession - Museum of Natural History seen from Messepalast - Stephansdom - Haas-Haus and Stephansdom - Riesenrad Closeup - Riesenrad - Musikfreunde-Haus - Upper Belvedere - Belvedere - Details of the Front Side of the Opera - Opera - Kahlenberg and Leopoldsberg - Millennium Tower - Donauturm - Florido-Tower - Mexikokirche - Container Ship at the Danube - New Danube, Kahlenberg and Kagran - UNO City - Mosque of Vienna - Otto Wagner Kirche at Steinhof - Cherubs at the Otto Wagner Kirche - Karlskirche - St. Stephen's Cathedral - Schwarzenbergplatz - Thermal Power Plant Vienna/Spittelau - Thermal Power Plant Vienna/Spittelau - Maria Theresa - Haas-Haus - Volkstheater - Subway Station in Vienna Built by Otto Wagner - Schneeberg seen from the Center of Vienna - Museum of Arts and Town Hall - Gasometer

Here you see Austria from space. The area of Vienna is highlighted in yellow color. Image courtesy of Earth
Sciences and Image Analysis Laboratory, NASA Johnson Space Center.