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Bibliography - The Society and Its Environment
Mongolia's contemporary society, unlike its history, has not attracted much scholarly attention in the West. The best sources available to the English-speaking reader are Mongolia, The People's Republic of Mongolia, and articles in the Far Eastern Economic Review, all by Alan J. Sanders; Robert Rupen's Mongols of the Twentieth Century and How Mongolia Is Really Ruled; George G.S. Murphy's Soviet Mongolia; and Urgunge Onon's Mongolian Heroes of the Twentieth Century. History of the Mongolian People's Republic, translated by William A. Brown and Urgunge Onon, has useful sections on society and the environment. Articles by Daniel Rosenberg in Mongolian Studies provide relevant material on modern Mongolian society. Owen Lattimore's Nomads and Commissars is somewhat out of date, but very readable and useful. A helpful, and more recent, source is Thomas D. Allen's article in National Geographic. The traditional culture is set out in Sechin Jagchid and Paul Hyer's Mongolia's Culture and Society, Lattimore's Mongol Journeys, and Herbert H. Vreeland's Mongol Community and Kinship Structure. The U.S. Joint Publications Research Service publishes occasional translations of Mongolian and Russian statistical summaries and yearbooks on Mongolia. Mongolian broadcasts and newspapers are translated and appear in the U.S. Foreign Broadcast Information Service Daily Report: East Asia. Readers also are directed to the American Bibliography of Slavic and East European Studies, the Bibliography of Asian Studies, and Citation Index for new publications on Mongolian society. Akademiia Nauk SSSR. History of the Mongolian People's Republic. Moscow: Nauka, Central Department of Oriental Literature, 1973. Allen, Thomas D. "Time Catches Up with Mongolia," National Geographic, 167, No. 2, February 1985, 242-69. Basilov, Vladimir N. (ed.) Nomads of Eurasia. (Trans., Mary Fleming Zirin.) Los Angeles: Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, 1989. Brown, William A., and Urgunge Onon (Trans. and annot.). History of the Mongolian People's Republic. (Harvard East Asian Monographs, 65.) Cambridge: East Asian Research Center, Harvard University, 1976. Cable, Mildred, and Francesca French. The Gobi Desert. London: Virago, 1984. Chadra, B. "Cosmic Horizons in Science." Pages 53-58 in Novosti Press Agency and Unen Editorial Board (eds.), The 60th Anniversary of People's Mongolia. Moscow: Novosti, 1981. Chapman, M.J. "Bactrians and Dromedaries." Asian Affairs [London], 18, Part 3, October 1987, 276-82. Chen Cheng-hsiang. A Geography of Mongolia. (Research Report, 28.) Hong Kong: Geographical Research Center, Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1970. "The Curative Power of Mineral Springs," Mongolia [Ulaanbaatar], No. 5 (80), 1984, 23. Enkh, T. "The Team--A United Family," Mongolia [Ulaanbaatar], Nos. 2-3 (65-66), 1982, 21-22. Fletcher, Joseph. "The Mongols: Ecological and Social Perspectives," Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, 46, No. 1, June 1986, 11-50. Gellner, Ernest. "Buddha and Marx: A Review Article," Comparative Studies in Society and History, 29, No. 2, April 1987, 381-84. Gombo, S. "A Sociologist's Notes," Mongolia [Ulaanbaatar], No. 2 (71), 1983, 8-9. Haining, Thomas. "The Mongols and Religion," Asian Affairs [London], 17, Pt. 1, February 1986, 19-32. Humphrey, Caroline. Karl Marx Collective: Economy, Society, and Religion in a Siberian Collective Farm. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983. Jagchid, Sechin, and Paul Hyer. Mongolia's Culture and Society. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1979. Kaser, Michael. "The Industrial Revolution in Mongolia," World Today [London], 38, No. 1, January 1982, 12-17. Khazanov, A.M. Nomads and the Outside World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1984. Kimura, Hisao. "The Activities of the MPR State Committee for Terminology." Pages 26-29 in Studies on Mongolia. (Proceedings of First North American Conference on Mongolian Studies.) Bellingham: Western Washington University, 1979. Lattimore, Owen. Mongol Journeys. New York: Doubleday, Doran, 1941. ------. Nomads and Commissars: Mongolia Revisited. New York: Oxford University Press, 1962. Lkhamsuren, M. "Manpower Policy and Planning in the Mongolian People's Republic," International Labour Review [Geneva], 121, No. 4, July-August 1982, 469-80. Michel, Walter. Im Zeichen des Sojombo: Impressionen aus der Mongolischen Volksrepublik. Berlin: Verlag Neues Leben, 1981. Micheli, Silvio. Mongolia: In Search of Marco Polo and Other Adventures. (Trans., Bruce Penman.). London: Hollis and Carter, 1967. Mongolia. Central Statistical Board. National Economy of the MPR for 65 Years, 1921-1986. Ulaanbaatar: 1986. ------. Central Statistical Board. National Economy of the MPR in 1981. Ulaanbaatar: 1982. (Trans., Joint Publication Research Service.) (JPRS-MON-86-001.) Washington, January 27, 1986. Moses, Larry W. The Political Role of Mongol Buddhism. (Indiana University Uralic and Altaic Series, 133.) Bloomington: Asian Studies Research Institute, Indiana University, 1977. Moses, Larry W., and Stephen A. Halkovic, Jr. Introduction to Mongolian History and Culture. (Indiana University Uralic and Altaic Series, 149.) Bloomington: Research Institute for Inner Asian Studies, Indiana University, 1985. Murphy, George G.S. Soviet Mongolia: A Study of the Oldest Political Satellite. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1966. Novosti Press Agency and Unen Editorial Board (eds.). The 60th Anniversary of People's Mongolia. Moscow: Novosti, 1981. Nyam-Osor, D. "Health Protection for the People." Pages 96-98 in Novosti Press Agency and Unen Editorial Board (eds.), The 60th Anniversary of People's Mongolia. Moscow: Novosti, 1981. Onun, Urgunge (ed. and trans.). Mongolian Heroes of the Twentieth Century. New York: AMS Press, 1976. Oyuntsetseg, S. "The Work and Life of a Building Team," Mongolia [Ulaanbaatar], No. 6 (75), 1983, 9-10. Pastoral Production and Society. (Proceedings of International Meeting on Nomadic Pastoralism, Paris, 1976.) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1979. Petrov, Victor P. Mongolia: A Profile. New York: Praeger, 1980. Purevsuren, N. "The Glorious Festival of Tsagan Sar." Pages 182-85 in Novosti Press Agency and Unen Editorial Board (eds.), The 60th Anniversary of People's Mongolia. Moscow: Novosti, 1981. Rinchin, L. "Collectivisation: The Key to a Rise in the Standard of Living." Pages 73-78 in Novosti Press Agency and Unen Editorial Board (eds.), The 60th Anniversary of People's Mongolia. Moscow: Novosti, 1981. Rinchindorj, T. "Cooperation in Medicine," Mongolia [Ulaanbaatar], No. 4 (67), 1982, 8-9. Rosenberg, Daniel. "Leaders and Leadership Roles in a Mongolian Collective: Two Case Studies," Mongolian Studies, 7, 1981-82, 17-51. ------. "'Negdel' Development: A Socio-Cultural Perspective," Mongolian Studies, 1, 1974, 62-75. Rundall, Richard A., and Raymond D. Terell. "Educational Desert or Oasis? An Educator's Trek to Outer Mongolia," Adolescence, 21, No. 81, Spring 1986, 185-89. Rupen, Robert A. How Mongolia Is Really Ruled: A Political History of the Mongolian People's Republic, 1900-1978. Stanford: Hoover Institution Press, Stanford University, 1979. ------. Mongols of the Twentieth Century. (Indiana University Publications, Uralic and Altaic Series, 37, Pts. 1-2.) Bloomington: Indiana University, 1964. Sanders, Alan J.K. Mongolia: Politics, Economics, and Society. (Marxist Regimes Series.) Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner, 1987. ------. The People's Republic of Mongolia: A General Reference Guide. London: Oxford University Press, 1968. ------. "Scientific Restructuring," Far Eastern Economic Review [Hong Kong], December 10, 1987, 42-43. ------. "The Tainted Waters: The Government Begins To Address Pollution Problems," Far Eastern Economic Review [Hong Kong], October 20, 1988, 40. Sanzhasuren, R. "The Torch of Knowledge." Pages 89-95 in Novosti Press Agency and Unen Editorial Board (eds.), The 60th Anniversary of People's Mongolia. Moscow: Novosti, 1981. "Science in Progress," Mongolia [Ulaanbaatar], No. 4 (73), 1983, 26-27. Sodnom, D. "Planning: The Decisive Advantage of Socialism." Pages 43-48 in Novosti Press Agency and Unen Editorial Board (eds.), The 60th Anniversary of People's Mongolia. Moscow: Novosti, 1981. Soviet Union. Council of Ministers. Main Administration of Geodesy and Cartography. Mongolskai Narodnaia Respublika, ekonomicheskaia karta dlia srednei shkoly (Mongolian People's Republic Economic Map for the Middle School). Moscow: 1985. ------. Council of Ministers. Main Administration of Geodesy and Cartography. Mongolskaia Narodnaia Respublika, fizcheskara karta dlia srednes shakoly (Mongolian People's Republic, Physical Map for the Middle School). Moscow: 1985. ------. Council of Ministers. Main Administration of Geodesy and Cartography. Mongolskaia Narodnaia Respublika, Spravochnaia Kart (Mongolian People's Republic, Reference Map). Moscow: 1985. Tamir, B. "Mongolian State University: Forty Years of Progress," Mongolia [Ulaanbaatar], No. 5 (68), 1982, 10-13. Times of London. The Times Atlas of the World: Comprehensive Edition. (2d rev. ed.) Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1971. United Nations. Department of International Economic and Social Affairs. World Demographic Estimates and Projections, 1950-2025. New York: 1988. United States. Central Intelligence Agency. The World Factbook, 1989. (CPAS WF 89-001.) Washington: May 1989. ------. Department of Commerce. Bureau of the Census. Center for International Research. World Population Profile, 1987. Washington: 1987. Vainshtein, Seyvan I. Nomads of South Siberia: The Pastoral Economies of Tuva. (Ed., Caroline Humphrey; trans., Michael Colenso.) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1980. Vreeland, Herbert Harold. Mongol Community and Kinship Structure. New Haven: Human Relations Area Files Press, 1962. Reprint. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1973. Walder, Andrew G. Communist Neo-Traditionalism: Work and Authority in Chinese Industry. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1986. Weiers, Michael (ed.). Die Mongolen: Beiträge zu ihrer Geschichte und Kultur. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1986. Weissleder, Wolfgang (ed.). The Nomadic Alternative: Modes and Models of Interaction in the African-Asian Deserts and Steppes. The Hague: Mouton, 1978. Xu Wenyi. "Mongolia Revisited." Shijie Zhishi (World Knowledge) [Beijing], November 16, 1988. Foreign Broadcast Information Service, Daily Report: China, (FBIS- CHI-88-239.) December 13, 1988, 10-11. Zachariah, K.C., and My T. Vu. World Population Projections, 1978-88 Edition: Short and Long-Term Estimates. Baltimore: World Bank, 1988. Zhao Qingmao. "Mongolia: Economic Reforms Under Way," Beijing Review [Beijing], 31, No. 39, September 26, 1988, 12-13. Zorig, D. "An Active Promoter of Health Care," Mongolia [Ulaanbaatar], Nos. 2-3 (65-66), 1982, 26-27.
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